We often hear the phrase “freedom isn’t free” regarding our celebrated veterans who allow wildlife habitat conservation work to continue year-after-year in America. What is free, however, is the opportunity for servicemen and servicewomen to pheasant hunt in northern Pennsylvania thanks to the generosity of Pheasants Forever volunteers and Delps Hunting Grounds.
The purpose of the Veteran’s Pheasant Hunt is to give military veterans the opportunity to enjoy a guided pheasant hunt and to understand Pheasants Forever’s mission to promote wildlife habitat conservation. This hunt is Pheasants Forever’s way of thanking all veterans for their service to our country.
There is absolutely no cost to any veteran participating; this is our way to recognize, honor, and serve those that have served us in allowing us the freedoms we enjoy today. This annual hunt is open to all veterans, at no charge, and we can accommodate all veterans regardless of any physical limitations.
In mid-November, the North Central Pennsylvania Chapter of Pheasants Forever hosts over 300 veterans during a three-day event at Delp’s Hunting Ground near New Bethlehem. Featuring more than $21K in donations from 55 organizations and individuals, the annual Veteran’s Hunt caters to all, including those individuals who may have disabilities from wartime experience with the help of UTV’s equipped to carry hunters in, out and around fields.
Participants and volunteers for this highly anticipated event included veterans from America’s war on terrorism, guests from states such as West Virginia and Tennessee, and plenty of dog handlers who donated their time and expertise.
For any additional questions, you may contact
Jeff Shaffer
Pheasants Forever Veteran Activities Chairman
Disclaimer: Due to the increased interest in this event we may not be able to accommodate all that apply.
Our Local chapter is empowered to determine how 100% of our locally raised conservation funds are spent; the only national conservation organization that operates through this truly grassroots structure.